MDTP is a systematic dysphagia rehabilitation program provided by a certified clinician. It uses swallowing as an exercise and it works to rehabilitate the synergistic swallowing mechanism. By swallowing program I mean that MDTP is not a single activity or technique that is repeated over and over again. Rather it integrates information directly from the patient assessment (one of the few if the only approaches to do so in dysphagia rehabilitation) and focusing on patient performance builds upon existing physiologic abilities to improve strength, speed, and coordination of the impaired swallowing mechanism. The impaired swallow mechanism is physiologically challenged in therapy during swallowing tasks. As patients progress, more difficult physiologic challenges are introduced. This progression reflects ‘loading’ on the impaired neuromuscular system for swallowing and represents a form of progressive resistance. MDTP is also an intense therapy program. Each swallow is viewed as a unit of exercise and individual sessions contain more swallow attempts than traditional therapies reflecting a higher intensity level of swallowing exercise. Finally, MDTP is simple for the patient to participate reflecting good adherence with the functional tasks including a home work component which extends the therapeutic benefit outside of the therapy environment. The progression of swallowing tasks begins based on the individual patient’s physiologic ability level and moves toward functional meal completion.
McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program
McNeill was actually named after Hannibal McNeill, who was the first patient to volunteer for a research program involving a novel to dysphagia therapy in 2004. Hannibal (like many patients) presented with long standing dysphagia following treatment for base of tongue cancer and also surviving a brainstem stroke. He was able to eat a blended diet with difficulty and worked very hard to keep off a feeding tube. He shortly returned to a regular diet after completing MDTP and remained a healthy eater until he passed in his sleep a few years later from a second cerebral bleed. His wife graciously allowed the SLP’s who created MDTP to name this experimental dysphagia therapy after him.